Acupuncture for pregnancy and birth is a safe, effective and natural treatment for all stages of your pregnancy from the early stages right the way through to birth preparation. Treatments address pregnancy related issues and conditions, and offer relief when other options might not be possible.
Ensuring that you are in good physical and mental health during pregnancy, for labour and the postnatal period is important.
I offer acupuncture during pregnancy for:
· nausea & morning sickness
· headaches & body pain
· digestive problems
· insomnia and tiredness
· stress and anxiety
· breech presentation - see the blog for more details
· preparation for labour
· pre-birth preparation and relaxation
Preparation for labour and pre-birth acupuncture
Pre-birth acupuncture is a series of specialist acupuncture individual treatments given once a week, from 37 or 38 weeks until delivery, using a combination of acupuncture and massage.
Treatment in these final weeks of pregnancy aims to promote natural efficient labour by helping the mother-to-be to relax and prepare her body for birth.
To find out more contact me for a free phone consultation
07809 828402